Monday, December 30, 2013

Ask The Best&Brightest: Decrease The Police?


It's been suggested more than a few times on TTAC, most recently in conjunction with an incident where police shot a mentally ill man to death, that stories regarding police interaction with motorists are, or should be, outside the purview of this blog.

Point Two of the TTAC Reboot promises "Accountability and Civility". In service of that goal, I want to take a moment to ask the B&B how all of you feel regarding cop-and-motorist stories. This won't be a poll; I'd rather hear the reasons behind the choices. Should we have:

* No stories about police/motorist interactions at all?
* Only stories that are directly related to enforcement of traffic laws (i.e. speed cameras, distracted-driving law)
* Only stories where the police are presented in a positive, community-focused manner?
* Everything under the sun, including that kind of skanky-sexy girl in the Murano who rammed the cops?
* A different set of criteria entirely?

When Car and Driver basically declared war against the 55MPH speed limit lo these many years ago, they unwittingly set the universal template for automotive-enthusiast publications, both print and online. It's long been assumed that the police are the natural enemy of people who want to drive quickly on public roads. Perhaps that's no longer true, at least here at TTAC. Perhaps the B&B, as a majority, are comfortable with the speed limits and the manner in which police interact with motorists. If that's the case, the content should reflect it.

Think about it and let us know.

from The Truth About Cars


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via Personal Recipe 680102

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