Saturday, April 3, 2010

Michael Vaughan’s artball Chevrolet Cruze runs well on canvas

After domination the cricket world, it’s time for Michael Vaughan, former British captain, to show his prowess in the field of art. And this man has amazingly created the biggest ‘artballing painting’ ever.

The cricketer turned artballer has.

michael vaughans artball cruze

After domination the cricket world, it’s time for Michael Vaughan, former British captain, to show his prowess in the field of art. And this man has amazingly created the biggest ‘artballing painting’ ever.

The cricketer turned artballer has painted a 16 by five foot image of a Chevrolet Cruze by hitting and throwing paint covered cricket balls against a blank canvas. It took almost 5000 shorts for the cricket genius to give the Chevrolet Cruze its shape.

It took almost eight hours for Vaughan to make artball Cruze and more than five gallons of paint was used in the process. Michael’s earlier work has fetched over $30,000 and there are expectations that his artball Cruze will be the most expensive Cruze yet.

michael vaughans artball cruze

michael vaughans artball cruzemichael vaughans artball cruzemichael vaughans artball cruze

Via: Autoblog / Netawd

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