AIDA is a project created by MIT’s Personal Robots Group, the SENSEable city lab and Volkswagen Group of America’s Electronics Research Lab. The cute robot is lovingly called AIDA, but its real name is a long Affective Intelligent Driving Agent...
AIDA is a project created by MIT’s Personal Robots Group, the SENSEable city lab and Volkswagen Group of America’s Electronics Research Lab. The cute robot is lovingly called AIDA, but its real name is a long Affective Intelligent Driving Agent. It sits on the dash and not only takes over the duties of the navigation system, but also keeps a track of the driver’s preferences and driving style.
The bot will know what time you get off work, what you like to do on your way back home, and if you’re running out of gas. With all that info at its command, AIDA will provide you with suggestions and recommendations of your interest. It can also checkout the traffic ahead and suggest alternative routes if it is likely that the car is headed to a jam.
Oh, and perhaps just to get cozy, it can wink, smile and the lights on its face can change to warning signs to alert the driver of any hazard.