Thursday, February 13, 2014

Housekeeping: The Untimely Death Of The TTAC Staff Robot


Half a year ago, we introduced the concept of the TTAC Staff byline. I had some high hopes for the idea, primarily because we had some people who wanted to write for us but who would face some potential backlash for having their names appear on these august pages. This was has made a lot of people unhappy and has been widely regarded as a bad move.*

It's also history, as of today.

Earlier this week, we were contacted by the fine folks at Automotive News regarding a couple of pieces we've run under the TTAC Staff byline in the past. These pieces were inadequately attributed, which is another way of saying we didn't give credit where credit was due. This is done more often in this business than anyone wants to admit, but it shouldn't be our practice here.

So this is what we're doing. We've apologized to Automotive News and to the individuals whose work was quoted without attribution. We've disciplined the writer involved. Last but not least, we are discontinuing the "TTAC Staff" account. News items will be credited to a specific contributor. Writers who would like to remain anonymous are encouraged to contact us regardless; we'll work something out to protect your identity.

We'll continue to work to bring you all the car-related news that's fit to print, correctly documented and attributed, in the future. Thanks for sticking with us.

* with apologies to Douglas Adams, wherever he is now

from The Truth About Cars


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via Personal Recipe 680102

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